Recovery Coaching at Progressive Institute


Brian Nash, RCP, Director of Clinical Outreach & Recovery Coaching at Progressive Institute


How often and how does a Progressive Recovery Coach meet with clients?

Our certified coaches are here for our clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a person joins Progressive Recovery Coaching program, they will meet with their coach typically two to three times per week.  Daily meetings whether in person, via phone, text or online video conference provide a level of support that strengthens the bond with our coaches.


What can I expect when I start working with a Progressive Recovery Coach?

Upon the initial meeting, a recovery coach will typically begin to build a recovery plan by taking the client through what we refer to as a Recovery Capital Scale.  This meeting helps create a roadmap of how the coach and client together will set and achieve goals to reach short and long-term sustained function wellness. The plan is regularly reassessed and adjusted to reflect the developments in the client’s life as they progress in their recovery.


What are some of the other tools that Progressive Recovery Coach provides?

Additional tools that Progressive Recovery Coaches will use to develop a client’s accountability are high complexity drug testing and remote breathalyzer alcohol monitoring. The use of these types of testing tools is a centerpiece of accountability during recovery and can be used to strengthen the relationship with the coach while also creating a safety alert system for the client. Testing results are used to engage in discussions and recovery plan modifications to continue to move clients towards their goal of maintained sobriety and long-term recovery.

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