Recovery Coaching as an Adjunct to Individual and Group Therapy

Mental Health
Recovery Coaching as an Adjunct

What are the differences between how a Recovery Coach and a Therapist support a client?


Therapists and Recovery Coaches are coming from different perspectives, yet they have a shared objective. A Progressive Recovery Coach does not diagnose a client, rather they are a resource for clients to help them set goals to build support networks and access a variety of community services such as employment, housing, transportation and health care services. A Recovery Coach’s work starts with identifying a client’s passion and purpose and from there setting goals to build upon those strengths. A Therapist is focused on how a client is presenting today, while at the same time assessing a client’s history in order to identify emotional blocks and challenges that are hindering the client from moving forward. The Therapy team also works with clients to develop skills to cope with, heal from, and manage through past trauma and negative experiences. The combination of a Therapist and Recovery Coach working together creates a dynamic of skills building and issue resolution with support network development and empowerment, resulting in a much stronger and sustainable plan to achieve long-term recovery and wellness.




How does adding a Recovery Coach to one’s “care team” benefit a client?


By adding a Progressive Recovery Coach to a care team, a client is filling the gap in their continuum of care in the area of recovery support system development. All of the progress made, and skills developed in individual and group therapy are put under pressure when a client interacts with the many stressors of life and having a recovery coach there to support them during each step is critical. Lastly, a Recovery Coach plays an important role as a single point of contact with families, Therapists, and everyone else on the client’s support and care team.

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